
Saturday, October 06, 2007

No-Bake Cookies Again? Yes, Thank You

Some people talk about a mommy who would let her little boy and girl eat No-Bake Cookies for breakfast, like it's a bad thing.

Hello? Sugar Oatmeal and milk and butter and peanut butter and vanilla? Less cocoa than some boxed cereals?

That sounds like breakfast to me. Come on over. I made some just a few minutes ago and they're cooling on the kitchen table as I type.

Hub asked me to make them tonight because one of his math classes asked him to ask me to make some for them last week, so I did and he took them to school and brought back an empty container, and I guess he didn't get any because the kids ate them up.

Well, he's getting some tonight. *

I made plenty. We're fat.

*Stop that.

Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 7:40 PM | |


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