
Saturday, May 26, 2007

The Three Graces

Vera spent last night in the Big Bathroom, curled up on my dirty t-shirt that she'd nuzzled for hours. This morning I opened the door and she looked up at me with those huge blue eyes and my heart just melted. I put her out on the deck, thinking that she'd never be able to climb down, and she'd be safe there.

I drove to town and spent the afternoon with Mom and my Tumorless Sister. We had a blast.

Tumorless came home with me to see Vera. She wasn't on the deck.

We called and searched and finally found her. She was next door, cuddled in a heap with her sister and her cousins.

They were all beautiful. Tumorless and I were enchanted. There is something about a pile of baby kittens. . . .

I may have been hypnotized by cuteness tonight. Wouldn't you have been? And it would be a shame for Vera to grow up alone.

Meet Millicent, Helga, and Vera. As I type, they're all in the big bathroom, in a furry purry pile on that same dirty t-shirt.

We played scratch-scratch in the kitty litter and they all caught on.

We showed them how to lick wet cat food mixed with condensed milk, and they all caught on.

As you can see, they are all very good at washing up after supper.

Tumorless and her husband have five cats that have a better life than most people's children, so she was right with me, with this decision. She even bought presents for my new babies.

My actual human children are coming home tomorrow. I can't wait for them to meet the new additions.

More importantly, I hope Hub likes them. I caught him snuggling Vera earlier today, and he went to town and bought a lot of kitten food, so the battle is partly won. If he doesn't want three, well, it's his house, too. I am hoping that after seeing the wiggly pile of kitties, he'll agree to keep them.

The thing is, he hasn't seen the wiggly kitty pile yet. Cross your fingers.

Honestly, could anybody resist a snuggly loving little kitten? Times three?
Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 9:37 PM | |


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