Friday, June 10, 2005
A typical bathroom. Nothing weird here. Just like yours. A bathroom.
I mentioned on Michele's beautiful blog that my bathroom was perhaps a little on the quirky side, and golly, so many of you asked to see it that I decided that, embarassing as it might be, well, why not.After all, how 'different' can a bathroom be? Mine is probably very much like yours.
Doesn't everybody maintain a library in the bathroom? We keep all the Calvin and Hobbes, Far Side, Doonesbury, Fox Trot, Dilbert, For Better or For Worse, Adam At Home, BC, Wizard of Id, Herman, etc, in ours. Where else does a person have time to peruse classy literature with minimum interruption?

Witnesseth the Loobrary. To the left of the bookshelf, and just on the right side of the, um, toilet, you can see part of the Scrubbing Bubble my son ordered from the back of a can of bathroom cleaner when he was in kindergarten. He did it all by himself and you should have seen his proud little freckly face when it came in the mail.
I should have straightened up the books for you but you wanted to see how it usually looks.

If the silence gets to you, or you have sounds you wish to mask, just press a button. The wall art in my bathroom will sing to you, and it's very loud, too.

This one will sing "Wild Thing" as he spares a square for you. If you come over, I'll even invest in two-ply tissue so you'll think I'm cool. Whoops, almost time to replace that roll! Please notice that the tissue goes OVER, not UNDER.
The Wild Thing is motion activated but I'll turn it off for you.
Now, tell me my bathroom isn't just like yours! Well, isn't it?
I wonder what the HGTV people would do in my house. Besides pee their pants and faint, that is.