
Friday, February 29, 2008

I Spread A Little Sunshine On My Way, To Make You Blithe and Bonny and Gay

Happy Leap Day.

Did you really expect something ordinary from me on Leap Day? I bet not.

Fractured Fairy Tales were creative and innovative and well-written and genuinely funny. They were filled with witty innuendo and brilliant puns and sarcasm. The smarter you were, the more you got out of them. Most cartoons these days are nothing but long infomercials for action figures and soon-to-be-released movies, and you don't need any kind of prior knowledge to just sit there like a ventriloquist's dummy and watch.

But Fractured Fairy Tales? They made a kid want to get a Thesaurus in his/her stocking on Christmas morning.

I mean, a kid who wasn't very smart didn't know the difference between a bore and a boar isn't going to get a lot out of this one. A kid had to have a good vocabulary to 'get' a Fractured Fairy Tale.

Those were the days. Too bad everybody is so worried about political correctness to dare put out a truly funny cartoon these days. For kids, I mean. There are some great ones out there for adults.

And was there ever a better narrator than the great Edward Everett Horton? I think not.

Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 8:05 PM | |


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