Monday, January 14, 2008
Stupid People. Why Are There So Many?
When an emergency vehicle with flashing lights and a siren is on the road, all the decent intelligent people on BOTH sides of the road pull over to give it plenty of room to pass.The drivers who take this opportunity to speed past all the pulled-over vehicles to get in the front of the line of traffic? Honestly, I can't think of a word that is disgusting enough to accurately describe these people. I think we can safely rule out "decent" and "intelligent," however. I'm sure these are the same people who disregard stopped school buses with the "STOP" arm across the road, mowing down little schoolchildren and then telling the judge, "I didn't see no bus, and where did them kids come from?"
I'm reminded of a jury I was on once, years ago.
I seriously do not do well with stupid people. Dear LORD, I do not do well with stupid people.
And I can't think of a single good reason any of us should have to. Nope, not even one.
("Stupid people" are NOT the same thing as "disabled people." Don't even try to go there with me. I would only berate you for your lack of reading skills.)
Mamacita, Scheiss Weekly