
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

This Is Why I Was Still Up At 4 a.m.

I completely ran out of money so I made this quilt for someone on my gift list. Someone who is very precious to me, in fact.

When I start a project, I generally become obsessed and work like the madwoman I am until it's finished, pausing only for the occasional potty break, sammich, and netsurf.

Total time: two days. Two large spools of green, two large spools of red, and there's a tiny little bit of red thread left.

I think my little sewing machine was starting to spew smoke.

I'm on break, so the clock really doesn't mean much right now. But the person who is getting this quilt sure does.

Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 4:33 PM | |


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