
Monday, December 24, 2007

Some Christmas Thises and Thats

Oh, my dears, it's so close now, so very, very close.

There are a lot of old older people out there who don't care much for the excitement, the wonder, the sparkles and reflections and tinsel and candles and suspense and giggles and hand-clapping and jammied children and ribbons and pretty paper and surprises, and this makes me sad for them. However, I also figure they were pretty much the same when they were young younger. I think the ability or tendency to glow and laugh and clap and appreciate things is there in all of us, and whether we let let the light of these things shine through us - or not - is a choice we make. Scrooge was Scrooge because he chose to be Scrooge. Yes, certain childhood happenings helped mold him, but ultimately, he chose his life. Free will choice. All of our lives are that way. We can't always control the circumstances, and sometimes Karma really hits us below the belt, but we can always control the way we deal with it. Most of us go up and down, back and forth, hot and cold with our reactions; even-keeled people are rare and actually rather boring. But whether we reel from the blows and get back up, or stay down and cover our heads and wait for more, is up to us. We've all been there.

Me, I love Christmas. What, you didn't know? :)

I also love Christmas movies. Certain ones, that is.


Now, please enjoy this video in several parts, that I used to show each year to my 8th graders, each with a kindergarten student as a guest, laps full of cookies. The Christmas Messenger, starring Richard Chamberlain, the most beautiful man in the world.

Christmas Eve is such a magical time. It's all ahead of us, you see. To paraphrase Katie, age 8, in What Child Is This, by Caroline Cooney, the night before Christmas isn't called a 'night,' it's called 'eve,' and Christmas morning isn't called 'morning,' it's 'morn.' Eve and morn: two special words to highlight two special times.

How special are they? They are special already, in their own right, but how you make them special for yourself and for your children is entirely up to you. I hope you give them memories they will cherish all their lives, so much so that they will pass the glory along to their own children.

Children flourish with roots, but they soar with wings.

May your Eve be full of anticipation and warmth, and may your Morn be all you hoped it would be.

Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 12:05 AM | |


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