Thursday, December 06, 2007
Rules for the Road

I live on a country road that is very narrow, and has no shoulders. It's of vital importance that everyone stays in his/her own lane at all times. People who feel they must swerve way out into the other lane when they turn are not welcome on my road. Such people tend to kill other people.
My road is also extremely curvy; it meanders like a river, and unexpected encounters can be avoided only if everyone stays in his/her own lane at all times. People who feel they must occasionally cross that very faded center line for whatever reason are not welcome on my road. Such people tend to kill other people.
Because of the above issues, it would be really nice if everyone who drove on my picturesque-yet-narrow, shoulderless, and curvy road after dark would TURN OFF THEIR #$%^&*()%%$%$!@#$% brights!
Please remember that other people's safety ALWAYS outweighs someone's personal convenience. Sure, it's a dangerous road and sure, you can see way better with your brights on, but holy SCHEISSE, it's horrifying to round a bend and have a klieg light explode in your face.
My point? Do I need one?
When driving on a narrow, shoulderless, meandering road with a LOT of hairpin curves, stay in your own lane, turn like a normal person (no swervies!), and NEVER drive with your brights on.
Thank you.
--Person Who Lives On This Road and Who Would Like To Continue Living