
Monday, December 03, 2007

Perfect Post: Naomi, Of Course!

The Original Perfect Post Awards Today is Perfect Post Day, and I've nominated Naomi, of Here in the Hills, for her breathtakingly lovely look into her past, with her memories of Broadway's Spoon River Anthology.

Spoon River Anthology has always been one of my favorites; I discovered it my freshman year of college, and it mesmerized me with its beauty, and its heartbreak, and its humor. If you are not familiar with Edgar Lee Masters' Spoon River Anthology, you have quite a bit of reading to do before you are up to par, literature-wise.

It will take your breath away. Really, it will.

Naomi's blog post contains all kinds of information about the Broadway production of Spoon River, and you will also see Naomi herself, as well as several other famous names.

What's that? You didn't know Naomi was famous? GET OVER THERE NOW. You've been missing out on something simply wonderful.

Naomi is . . . indescribable. In all of Webster there are no words good enough for her.

That is why she is my Perfect Post recipient for November. You'll know why once you've experienced her.

Oh, Naomi, thank you for your Spoon River. I love it, and I love you. But then, you already knew that, didn't you.

And many thanks to MommaK and Lindsay for being the masterminds behind the Perfect Post Awards. You can go to either of their blogs to get the complete list of nominated posts.
Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 12:37 AM | |


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