
Thursday, October 25, 2007

Persimmon Pulp and Cobwebs: I'm Ready!

I just put my very confused sweeper (What's going on? Who is this woman? What is she making me do? It's been too long; I don't understanddddddddd!) back in the closet. There is a big persimmon pudding in the oven (Thank you, Cousin C, for the pulp!) and a large pork tenderloin in the crock-pot. The guest room is tidy, although I don't have any other spot for that folded camp cot except right there between the bed and the wall and it looks awful and I'm really sorry about that but when my guests have little kids I NEED that cot and, and, and. . . . well, there it is, right in the way.

There's a big stack of board games in the middle of the living room but I can't put them away until Hub comes home from school because I am not seven feet tall like him and I can't stand on a chair and do it because there are too many.

As for all the cobwebs I'm discovering all over the ceilings and door sills. . . . well, it's almost Halloween so I guess I can tell people I bought them at Joanne Fabric and carefully distributed them throughout the house so they'd look authentic.

And the people said, "They do! Good job!"

Come on down, Miguel. We're having a dinner party* tonight just for YOU.

*Dinner party at my house: jeans, t-shirt (something you can wear while sitting on the floor, and also don't mind spilling BBQ sauce on), shoes optional, lots of conversation and laughter, BYOB (anything else provided; I don't disapprove, but I don't "supply.") , no smoking, help yourself to anything in the refrigerator if it's not already on the table, and the toilet paper is in the little cabinet over the toilet if the spindle runs dry and you're, um, trapped. The roll goes "over."

Bring friends.

I am greatly anticipating this evening!

Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 10:31 AM | |


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