Saturday, October 13, 2007
My Other Daughter

I just got back from a baby shower, given for my daughter's best friend B. This beautiful
These two
I loved watching these two girls together, and I love watching these two young women together. They share a history and a present and a future that is beautiful and amazing to behold.
B, my darling, I have loved you like a daughter since you were three years old. I love your mother as the dear friend she has always been. I love your dad because he's just so much fun to hang out with. I love your husband M because he had the brains to choose you, and because the love he has for you shines out from his face even when you're not looking. I plan to love Baby E almost as much as her real grandparents plan to love her. I hope you share her with me, just a little bit.
Because, dear Belle and B, you know those identical blue and white outfits you two used to wear so much? The dreadful two-piece things you're wearing in the framed snapshot on my stereo speaker? The outfits above all other goofy ensembles you both loved so much at the time, and now love to make fun of all the time?
I still have them, packed away in the 'sentimental clothing' box. When E is big enough, I'm going to put one on her and take her picture.
Oh, and the gentlemen in the photograph, between my two girls? That's Dr. Demento. That's right, THE Dr. Demento.
You didn't know we wuz that cool, didja.