Friday, October 05, 2007
I've Just Had An Apostrophe
Smee: I've just had an apostrophe.Captain Hook: I think you mean an epiphany.
Smee: No... lightning has just struck my brain.
Captain Hook: Well, that must hurt.
When we were younger, it was a given that on Friday and/or Saturday night, we went "out." Old, boring people stayed home on those nights, and there was NO WAY we would ever be old or boring. No, siree, no way, never, nohow. On Friday and Saturday nights, we went out. We were exciting and cool and 'with it' and full of energy, and on weekends, we went out. Always.
Tonight when Hub got home, the first words out of his mouth were "Do we have to go anywhere tonight?" "No, thank goodness," I replied. And we both sat down at our respective computers, he to kill evil aliens and save the universe, and me to earn a little money and update my blog.
Then I smiled one of those smiles that isn't really a smile but more of a horrified grimace that signals some kind of epiphany, not the kind that means "Eureka, I've found it, " or even the realization that comes after "Watson, come here, I need you!," but more like the kind of epiphany that makes one realize that the image in the mirror really is what you look like now, you're tired, and yes, it's happened, you're old and boring.
And you're still glad you don't have to go out tonight. And yes, Captain Hook is right: it does hurt.