
Friday, October 26, 2007

I Do Love To Meet You People!

Miguel just left, and to let you all know: he's just as nice as I knew he would be!

Such a lovely, lovely man. Friendly, fun. . . all the thesaurian synonyms for "good" would apply to him.

The cats liked him, and he liked the cats. (This is an important point.)

He also has a beautiful speaking voice, and he talks much as he writes. There is a poetry about his way of speaking, a music, that is different from anyone else I've ever heard. He's wonderful. I wish he could have stayed longer, but he thought that since he was 2,000 miles from home, he really ought to explore as much as possible because who knows when he'll be in this area again? I agreed, even though I didn't want him to leave. That's why I let him go when what I really wanted to do was lock him in the house and make him stay forever.

He's headed towards the St. Louis Arch. If you live near there, you should contact him about dinner tonight. Meeting Miguel was something I'd wanted to do for a long time, and I'm so glad he came to visit!!!!! If you meet him, you'll think so, too.

Last night some friends came over to meet him, and their opinion is much the same as mine.

Scott and Joel also brought over some great wine; thank you for being so thoughtful, guys.

I hope that some day more of you will be able to meet Miguel. Yes, he's just that nice!

In the meantime, go read his blog. His words flow like music.
Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 2:10 PM | |


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