
Thursday, October 18, 2007

"Draco and Harry hugged the manly hug. . . ."

From my beautiful daughter Belle comes an email containing a link that leads to more examples of actual writing from actual people.

I am not acquainted with the Daily_Sporfle, the blogger who compiled this collection, but I will have to say that I thank her from the bottom of my heart for putting all these quotes together: There are "writers" out there who are worse than the ones who are making my brain turn inside each week.

I already knew that, of course, because I've been known to hang out on FanFiction.

Rumor has it that I might even have an account there, but you can't believe everything you hear.

I'm not putting down the FanFiction writers, mind you; I'm only putting down the ones who suck. *

*"Don't say 'suck,' students."

Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 12:04 AM | |


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