
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Tumorless and Mamacita: The Same Age At Last (Shut Up!)

I am having such a good time lately with my Tumorless Sister!!!! She is so much fun to be with! I haven't laughed so much in years, and she's always incredibly interesting, and knowledgeable about music and books and politics (yeah, she finds me really up on THAT!) and, and, and, well, these past few years, I've "discovered" her anew, and the discovery makes me really happy. We're both teachers, and we've discovered that we have more in common than either of us ever supposed. She still hopes she's not much like me (understandable, completely understandable) but I hope I am at least a little bit like her.

I always have fun when we're together.

Golly, it almost makes me forget all about all those times she and my younger brother tortured me when we all lived at home.

I barely remember how she used to act really stupid, on purpose, in front of my friends and humiliate me. ("This is her house, too.") She was good at it, too; a few of my friends still believe there is something really wrong with her. And all those times she and Bro would watch for me to bring a boyfriend into the house, and plant themselves permanently in the tiny living room, and demand a share of any candy or pizza the boyfriend may have brought. . . . ("Jane! Shame on you! You share that with your brother and sister!")

I've forgotten all about being forced to take her along when my friends and I would go out quilling* on a summer evening. ("There is absolutely no good reason why you shouldn't take your sister with you!")

I never think about how Mom made me drop her off at school on my way to my first teaching job, which made me late approximately three out of the five school days. ("Don't you DARE leave without your sister! It's right on your way, and she's almost ready!)

Nope, I never think about those things at all. I am just loving her daily, and having a wonderful time doing so.

Thanks for the weekend, Tumorless. I'll see you tonight at Casa Brava, after class. You and our bois had better not start without me!

* Who remembers what this means? No, it's not a craft!
Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 3:11 AM | |


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