
Thursday, July 05, 2007

Late-Night Random Playlist, and Salt

BBQ chicken, potato salad, baked beans, corn on the cob, sliced tomatoes, raw veggies, dinner rolls, REAL butter, and a salt shaker* at every plate. . . . wish you'd been here to have dinner with us! We've got leftovers; come on over. We didn't even cut into the watermelon, so you can have some of that, too. I was going to make blueberry pie, because I love to make pies and we picked blueberries the other day and the freezer is full of them, but it didn't get done. Which means, of course, that it still CAN be done. I'd make a pie for YOU.

And now the kitchen is cleaned up (kind of) and I've set my media player to 'random' and I'm just surfing and hoping someone will come online and talk. . . .

1. Flavor of the Week - American Hi-Fi
2. Symphony in C - Cake
3. Lullaby for a Stormy Night - Vienna Teng
4. Medulla Oblongata - Dust Brothers
5. Anthem - Leonard Cohen
6. Cello Song - Nick Drake
7. Hit on the Head - Gomez
8. What Makes You Happy - Liz Phair
9. LaBamba - Snuff
10. Defying Gravity - Idina Menzel
11. Magic Toenail - Brak
12. My Old Self - Wide Mouth Mason
13. Flight of the Bumblebee - Yo Yo Ma and Bobby McFerrin
14. Swete Sone - Medieval Babes
15. La Vie en Rose - Louis Armstrong
16. Amazing Grace - Five Blind Boys of Alabama
17. Greensleeves - Enya
18. Roses From My Friend - Ben Harper
19. Casey/Once Upon A Time - Mandy Patinkin
20. Mille Cherubini in Coro - Nana Mouskouri and Andrea Bocelli

The Fourth of July used to make me really sad and depressed, because it meant that summer vacation was almost over and it was time to start planning for the new school year, but now?

I don't have to do that any more! Besides, which, I really do love this job, whereas I was only fooling myself about my previous teaching gig. Sometimes, when one hasn't ever done anything else to earn a living for one's entire life, one doesn't even know what else one is capable of doing.

Aren't you glad we don't have to use the pronoun "one" all the time, when writing an essay? Because, you know, it really gets on my nerves.

One really can teach an old dog new tricks. You want proof? Come on over.

*I don't use salt except for corn, green beans, and french fries, but when we have corn on the cob, we tend to fight over that shaker. So I give everybody his/her own. I have one for you, too.
Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 12:13 AM | |


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