
Saturday, July 21, 2007

Deathly Hallows: No Specific Spoilers, Just Unbridled Emotion

6:37 a.m. and I have finished.

Heartbreaking, uplifting, scary, further heartbreak, more heartbreak, cool, wow, NOOOOOO, say it isn't so, heartbreak, heartbreak, wow, mystical, please no, lovely, oh PLEASE no, why, why, why, heartbreaking.

And most satisfactory. Yes.

Two deaths my ass.

But yes, most satisfactory.

I'll try to get a few hours' sleep if I can stop crying inside my head. And smiling. And crying.

One more thing: I knew it. I was right, too.
Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 6:37 AM | |


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