
Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Pyromanic in a Petrified Forest

That's how frustrated I am right now.

Is this just Tuesday? This has been a very trying week.

Everything is breaking.

Mowers, computers. . . . all the things I need the most.

I took my computer to the shop this morning (yes, I got up early whilst on vacation!) and of course, there was no scary white screen for any expert to see. We were just in time, however, to see the tail end of one of the 'recovery' F10's I tried last night but couldn't finish because the screen kept going white. At the end of this recovery, there seemed to be nothing left on my computer. I am hoping against hope that I imagined it, but it did seem to be wiped clean. Ten thousand mp3's and all my files and logins and passwords, gone gone gone.

Magic Jack is going to try to retrieve them but I don't have much any hope, not really.

It's very hard to do my 'thangs' on a computer that isn't mine. Hub is wonderful to let me use his but it isn't the same. We are both extremely territorial about our computers, and I would never feel free to download anything or 'play' on any computer that wasn't mine.

I left Magic Jack my flashdrive in hopes he could find some things on it that would help him retrieve my stuffs. <--Look, Cousin C, I'm talking like Mamaw now.

In the meantime, the grass is two feet high, and I'm full of ideas I'd love to write about but can't because I don't remember my stupid logins for the business blogs. My
Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 10:58 PM | |


I am Mamacita. Accept no substitutes! Hitting the fan like no one else can. . .
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