
Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Some people I love are hurting right now, and that means my heart is hurting for them. I'd make it all better for them if I could.

But I can't, and that makes my heart hurt even more.

Dear friends, if I had three wishes, I'd give you the first one. And the second one, too, if you still needed it.

The third wish I'm keeping, and if it ever really happened, you'd all know exactly what I used it for.

No, my boobs are big enough, thankyouverymuch.

But it's something you'd all notice.

Oh friends, I hate it that you're in pain. You can have the third wish, too. Please, take it. Use it well. Be happy.
Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 5:08 AM | |


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