
Sunday, May 27, 2007

BlogHer, BlogHer, Blogher. . . . I'm More Excited Than The Pointer Sisters!

I'm going to BlogHer this July. I've wanted to go ever since its inception but it was always so far away and I just didn't have the money. This year it's in Chicago, and I still don't have any money but Chicago is so central, so much more FAIR, and I can drive that far! Oh, hoorah for the centralness of the location this year! A kazillion thank-yous to whoever was responsible for the Chicago decision!

Okay, I won't be driving, but my daughter is going with me, and she's an expert driver and navigator.

I'm looking forward to BlogHer so much, it's indescribable, so I won't try. The gushing would be maudlin and make you all say 'bleh.' Besides, it's probably silly to many of you that a blogging conference could possibly mean so much to me, but the truth is, it does.

I plan to have a wonderful time. I plan to meet lots of lovely people whose blogs I've read for years or months or maybe even just weeks, but who seem as familiar to me as if they lived right next door.

I'm rooming with Grace, and I think maybe meeting her will be the most wonderful part of all. Grace has been my blog-idol ever since I read that first word on her blog some three or so years ago. In the Blogosphere, four years is a lifetime. Without Grace, my life would have been far bleaker than it often is. I cherish Grace. So should all of you.

I had intended to lose a million pounds before BlogHer so as not to startle you all with my immensity, but it didn't happen, so be prepared. I've seen pictures of past BlogHer participants and everyone looked so young and trim. . . . they had pretty clothes, too.

On the bright side, everybody will be able to pick me out of a crowd easily. On the dark side, ditto.

Time is getting near, my dears. I hope you are all registered and planning to have a wonderful time in Chicago. July, July, July!

Grace, my darling, it won't be long now 'till I'll be screaming your name. No, not like that, you pervs. Oh, I do love the mentality of the Blogosphere!

I'll be getting a sub for my Thursday classes and getting up there Thursday late afternoon, I hope. Belle is taking a couple of days off work to accompany her Mommy to the Big City. If anybody lives between Bedford and Chicago and needs a ride, let me know. If you're not too far off the beaten path, we can work something out!

Oh, BlogHer, BlogHer, BlogHer, BlogHer. . . . .my summer mantra is BlogHer.

BlogHer, and "meow." And "yum yum eat 'em up." Bonus points if you know where THAT quote came from.
Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 8:26 PM | |


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