
Sunday, April 01, 2007

March Perfect Post Award

The Original Perfect Post Awards – March ‘07

It's time for the March Perfect Post Awards, and mine goes to my friend Miguel of "Rarely Pure and Never Simple" for his wonderful post "I Remember When This Whole Thing Began." It's about how he misses his faith, and it struck a deep chord with me, because, you see, I miss mine, too, and Miguel is so eloquent and somehow he sums it all up in his post, perfectly. In March. Hence, a March Perfect Post Award.

And just when I thought he couldn't possibly touch my heart any deeper, he went and wrote another post that actually made me sit up straight and say "Oh my GOSH" because suddenly, something I'd wondered about all my life was made crystal clear by this beautiful man and his beautiful, lyrical writing and his amazing insights.

Thank you, MommaK and Lindsay, for thinking up the Perfect Post Awards. How lovely to encourage us all to encourage each other to share those things in the blogosphere that will enlighten us all, entertain us all, and make us all better people for the reading of them.

Life is so short. Doesn't it make more sense to lift each other UP than to hammer each other DOWN? I mean, what do we live for if it's not to make life easier for one another? (I read that somewhere; I don't know who originally said it, but I'm saying it here.)

Let us go forth (or fifth, no line-cutting!) and make each other happier.
Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 10:13 PM | |


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