
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Life After The Kitchen Sink Hits You

Many heartfelt thanks to everyone; the blogosphere is full of truly kind people.

We live out in the country, and, well, don't you just hate it when 'that spot' in the yard gets mushy and puddley and stays that way? I guess it's time to call The Wizard of Ooze and the Poo Poo Wagon.

You think I'm kidding, don't you.

The semester is almost over. Three more weeks, counting this one. I've got my final exams all ready; I just have to drive up to the main campus to Xerox them. That's always a pleasure because the main campus is so beautiful. And, I am a firm believer in an instructor being prepared, as far in advance as possible. THEN, we can tangent.

In a few weeks I'll be heading west to visit my brother and his family for a few days. Anybody here ever take a finance class at Idaho State? You might know my brother! They've got a computer, so I won't be too far away. You know how it is: in the Blogosphere, we're all sitting on the sofa in each other's living room.

Again, I thank you all. I used to make fun of people who loved their animals as if they were human, but I guess I won't any more. At least, not out loud.

Him was a good boy.

100 days 'til BlogHer. I can't WAIT!!!!!
Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 8:06 PM | |


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