Thursday, March 22, 2007
Bill Engvall Had The Right Idea
I swear, all these variations of the same old scam. . . . let me transfer my money into your account and you can have some of it. . . .I think I've heard from every country on the planet now, and every kind of royalty from Prince to Princess to King to Queen to Emperor, Duke, Duchess, Lord, Lady, and Prime Minister. Are there really people this stupid, that they'd give out all these personal account numbers to strangers? Well, sure. America may have been founded on the premise that Royalty is Not For Us, but the truth is, Americans are fascinated by royalty. Fascinated, and apparently easily taken in.Do I feel sorry for these people when they turn to the press all teary-eyed and flabbergasted that the nice Nigerian prince stole all their money?
No, actually, I don't. I think they got pretty much what they deserved. When people don't use their brains, they pay a price.
I'm sorry these people are hurt, but I'm not sorry they fell for a scam so stupid that even a ten-year-old-child would laugh at it. Then again, an average ten-year-old-child is pretty computer-savvy.
Nope, I'm still not sorry, and I still think people who fall for this one are stupid.
Then again. . . .