
Thursday, February 22, 2007

Tis The Gift To Be Simple. . . .***

I drove past a house last night that still had a zillion Christmas decorations all over the lawn, still sparkling and twinkling and jolly. I made silent fun of those people all the way home.

The fact that I still have Christmas salt-and-pepper-shakers on the little shelf above the stove is not the same thing at all. There's a very good reason why I am still using my Christmas salt-and-pepper-shakers.

When I got out the Christmas dishes last November, I packed away the regular shakers and now I can't find them.

See? Totally different.

Somewhere in this house, there are two sets of very pretty non-holiday salt-and-pepper-shakers. Your guess is as good as mine.

I've been shopping for some cheap-but-pretty shakers, but all the little shaky-holes are HUGE, the kind you see on Parmesian shakers. I do not care for a small mountain of salt or pepper on my green beans, so until I find some normal shakers with normal holes at a normal price (fitty cent is good), or happen onto the shakers that are already in this house, somewhere. . . . ho ho ho.

***Because's it's a Shaker song.
Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 3:21 PM | |


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