
Sunday, February 25, 2007

Surrealistic Snow Cones

See this snow cone? Now imagine thousands of them falling from the sky, painfully pelting you and covering your car with ice. Imagine walking through kazillions of snow cones all over the street.

Can you hear the sound of snow cones hitting your windshield? Can you open your car's skylight and see the snow cones hurtling towards you? Imagine the amazing WETNESS of a world full of falling snow cones. A blinding icy snow cone storm, when the temperature is 38 degrees and it's completely impossible to have a snow cone storm when it's above freezing and yet we had a terrible one.

That's exactly what it was like in Indianapolis this afternoon. We were hit by an incredible icestorm of falling snow cones. The only thing missing was the colored syrup.

My shoes are still sopping wet. Ick. I hate wet feet in shoes.

Patriside says it's time to post our Mystery Mixmania themes, and since he is one of the bosses of me, here is mine: "indecision at the crossroads."

At his request, I ask you to remember that "your next best snot on a chair post is at Patriside."

In spite of the falling snow cones, this was a good shopping trip. I now own a bathrobe. You all don't think that's any big deal right now, but if you ever come to visit me, you'll be glad.

From the sound of giants using my roof as bongo drums, the ice storm has followed me home shifted south. That's okay, for I love drifting off to sleep to the sound of a storm outside.

Not that I'm going to be going to bed any time soon. Heck, it's only 3:50 a.m.
Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 3:26 AM | |


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