
Thursday, February 08, 2007

Saving the Universe, A Little Bit At A Time

Update: she's posted. Now I can tell you who she is. Please click. . . .HERE. I hope you all take a moment to tell her she's a hero.

I am feeling very humbled and grateful and happy and relieved and sad today. Not because of a missed luncheon date, or a furnace, but because of something infinitely more important.

I feel this way because I have a friend who is a hero, an actual, real-life hero. I have a friend who did an incredibly brave thing, at no small personal risk. I have a friend who refused to look the other way, and who stepped in, and interfered, and got called names for it, and stayed anyway. I have a friend who did the right thing. I have a friend who saved a little piece of the world last night.

Many of you know my friend. I won't put a link here until she blogs about it herself, but once she does, I will link to it and you will ALL know what a fantastic, courageous, unselfish person she is.

I am so proud. I have a friend who is a hero.
Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 2:43 PM | |


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