
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

It's Student Email Time Again

Did you ever want to reach through somebody's monitor and poke them in the eye? Me neither.

The semester is nearly half over. Midterm exams are next week. The students have all had their very own copy of the syllabus, on which are all the official course rules, among other things, since last August. And yet, I still get emails begging for exceptions.

(I've removed the student email I had posted here. I just didn't feel right exposing her to public ridicule, even though she deserved it.)

The gist of the email, though, was that even though she'd missed several classes, she demanded an exception and wanted me to email all of her missed work to her. Plus, her email was badly spelled, completely devoid of good grammar, and demanding.

She didn't ask, she demanded. And the answer is "no."

Help me, Rhonda, help me get it out of my head.

There are no make-ups in this class!!!!! (Unless you've got a way better excuse than. . . nothing. And when you get all elitist on me)

And when you can't phrase an email any better than this.

Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 10:49 PM | |


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