
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I Love My Flash Drive

This is one of the handiest little gadgets I've ever had. If you transfer files of ANY kind from one computer to another on a regular basis, you need one, too.

They're cheap. What are you waiting for? And who needs jewels when you can wear a hard drive around your neck?

I keep all my tests, quizzes, worksheets, and grades on mine. With plenty of room for Mp3's. Anything that's on your home computer can be saved to the flash drive, and once stuff is on the flash drive, it can be called up on any computer, anywhere.

Most of my students have them; they store their essays, etc, on their flash drive and then print them out at school.

Sure, you can email stuff to yourself, but you don't need to do that when you can just carry your file cabinet with you, on a string or chain around your neck.

They're cheap now, too. At Fry's you can get a full gig for under twenty bucks. At WalMart you can buy smaller ones for five bucks.

Some of them are practically miniscule, but I needed one that I could find on a messy desktop. They come in all colors now. You can put it on your keychain or wear it as a pendant or a bracelet charm.

I think everybody needs a flash drive.
Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 8:33 PM | |


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