Friday, November 17, 2006
(Don't) Come and knock at our door. We HAVE been waiting for you, though.

<-- No. Don't do it. I can't hear you when you knock. Please ring the doorbell. It's right there by the door. If you come over at night, it's the little round thing that's all lit up. This is a big house, and if you knock, I can't hear you unless I'm standing in the landing in hopes of someone coming over and not understanding what the little button is for, and knocking instead. We put that doorbell there so people could get our attention when they're at the door and want us for something. Knocking ain't gonna do it. I spend most of my time back here in
Therefore, when you come over, and I hope it's soon, and I hope you stay for a long time, please don't just knock when you get here. You might be standing there on the porch for a while.
The times, the times, I've looked out the window and seen delivery trucks and cars (and a few motorcycles) and even some pedestrians, going down my long, long driveway AWAY from my house. I hadn't even known they were here. They didn't ring the bell. I CAN'T HEAR YOU KNOCKING FROM WAY BACK HERE IN THIS ROOM!!!
Use the doorbell. Really, please, use it. We put it there for you.