Sunday, November 05, 2006
The Aftermath. Not as much fun as the Beforemath or the Duringmath, but I've used that theme before.

Everybody's gone now and I'm lonely. It's way too quiet and I don't do well with silence. I like life best when it's full of music and people. (Unless I'm in a mood that requires solitude.) (It all boils down to the fact that I want what I want when I want it.) (You can't do that till your kids grow up and move out.) (I want YOUR life, wahhhhhh.)
I like my house better when it's full of people. What good are sofas and big tables if they aren't covered with people? This is the aftermath of last night. The duringmath was the best part.
There was a lot of laughter in this house last night, and it lasted up past the wee sma's. I loved every minute of it. Such nice people on that sofa and around that table!!!
Now, all the dishes are clean and back in the cupboard and there are a few leftovers in the refrigerator, but there are new pictures on Flickr and some memories of a really great night in my head. To look around the house, it's hard to tell that only a few hours ago, this place was jumping.
Eventually, I'll clean all the cooking stains off the stove and out of the oven, but honestly? I like seeing them there and thinking about the fun of preparing and planning and then actually HAVING people over. I am also very lazy and cleaning a stove if one of my least favorite activities.
It's not unlike preparing and planning and then actually HAVING a baby, except that after you have a party, it's over, and after you have a baby, you still have it, and the party's over.
And another one begins, and it has a LOT of acts.
Or something like that.
Speaking of babies, mine are coming home later today to use our computers, which means we can't, which means that maybe my essays and quizzes will actually be graded this afternoon.
Or maybe it means I'll start with Season One of MASH again, and have myself some leftovers while I'm watching.
Or maybe I'll do both. I'm a woman; we're versatile that way.