Friday, October 20, 2006
There Are Miracles Afoot

When my children were little, they called these 'heavenly rays,' and for heavenly rays to appear, it meant that there were miracles afoot.
I woke up this morning not feeling very well; my head was pounding, and the pain went down my neck and down my back and when I moved, I felt as though nails were being driven into my heart. Hub and I had planned a trip to Indianapolis with his mother, but they went without me. I knew if I tried to go, I'd be even more miserable and if one is going to be miserable, it's best to be miserable at home than in a car, and I didn't want my misery to spread to anyone else and mess up their pleasure trip. I tried to doze but I couldn't. I was just too stressed and in pain and did I mention stressed and in pain? And the phone kept ringing with recorded messages that I did not want to hear.
But when I went out on the deck to feed the cat, I looked up and I saw heavenly rays.
Sometimes hope will appear in the midst of mundane activity. I was feeding the cat, and I looked up and saw heavenly rays. There are miracles afoot.
We are, of course, not allowed to choose our miracles, but if I could, I know exactly what I would choose today.
My problems would not be any better, but right now, my problems are the least of my worries.
Look up, everyone. Look up. Look at the heavenly rays. There are miracles afoot.