
Sunday, September 17, 2006

My Chemical Romance

I'm diabetic, and on a diet as well, so unless it's a totally cheating weekend, I do try to 'watch it' most days. That's why I have fallen madly in love with these fake ice cream bars. There's no twang of artificial sweetener and you can't even tell it's all stirred up in a test tube; they are absolutely delicious. There's probably very little actual food in them, but I don't care. Not even a little bit. Hand them over. They have become My Chemical Romance. (The band isn't bad, either.)

Which reminds me: my kids are coming down this afternoon, so I'd better hide the ice cream under the frozen persimmon pulp.

Seriously, dieters and diabetic people, look for these beauties in your grocery store. And be sure you have a good hiding place in your freezer, because everybody will want one.

Poor Hub. Half the time they're already gone when he looks for one, and I started out buying them mostly for him.

Sowwy hon. It's now every man for himself. If you can find them, you can have them.
Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 12:57 PM | |


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