
Friday, September 08, 2006

Major Suckage.

I am being driven insane by the constant  running of ISASS.exe, and SOFFICE.exe, and their sucking up 100% of CPU usage, every thirty seconds.  What are these things and why do they keep coming on?  I can't get anything done tonight.  Suck, suck, suck, all the power out of everything.  I can't even play Bookworm with that stuff running.  They are using it all up.  Nothing else can work.
I'm not exaggerating, either.  Every thirty seconds or so, suck suck suck, both start running again. 
Is this something I can delete?  Is this really necessary?
Because I'm about to go nuts and I really didn't have far to go.
What's going on here?  I don't think my nerves can stand any more computer trouble.
Here they go again.  I know it's them because control/alt/delete tattles on them whenever the fans start running.
I hate you, whatever you are, stupid sucking isass.exe and soffice.exe.
But then, I'm sitting here with my blown-out left knee pretty much hating everything tonight.  Ouch.
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Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 10:44 PM | |


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