Sunday, September 17, 2006
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. (Einstein)

Guess what we're doing in class tomorrow. I love doing this; it makes our language so much more clear, believe it or not.
Isn't that what any diagram is supposed to do? Whether it's a diagram of a building, a car's engine, the inside of the human body, a model of a T-rex or the Enterprise, or the language, a diagram's primary function is to break down the complicated and show how it is made up of the simple.
And I figured that if we were going to learn to diagram, we might as well diagram something important.
It might teach some lessons besides the obvious one. Complicated things are made up of many simple things, put together. I doubt that we will finish in one class meeting, but that's okay, too. Important things should not be limited by a timer. We'll finish when we finish.
I just hope I remember to bring markers tomorrow. I've got them all laid out and ready but that doesn't mean I'll think to pick them up before I dash out the door at 6:30 in the morning.
I love my job.