
Saturday, July 22, 2006

Zoomr, Shirley Temple, and Stevie Wonder.


For some strange reason, Belle doesn't let me do this any more. I miss those days. I was the worst hair-styling-mommy EVER, but I tried.

She didn't go to school like this, but it was fun to play around with.

Poor Belle. Other little girls had mommies who were hair geniuses, and my little girl had a mommy who couldn't even make a straight part between curly golden ponytails. Zig-zag-whoops. Stevie Wonder could have done a better job than I did. Maybe that's why she loved to take the scissors to her hair, usually the day before school pictures were taken.

I could do a great Shirley Temple 'do, though. Too bad it wasn't in style. Well, actually, I'm glad it wasn't in style; it's borderline stupid, but maybe not any stupider than a mohawk. I'd watch her running around playing, with that hairstyle, and all I could think of was the mean rich little girl in The Little Rascals. She was such a princess, though; she loved anything she considered 'fancy.' That's why she wore a frilly white slip as her only garment for a year. Hey, pick your battles carefully. . . . .

I'm experimenting with a new picture hosting thing called Zoomr. If you sign up now, you get a free Pro account.

I stole the url directly from My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, but since EVERYBODY reads that one, you all of course already knew about Zoomr.

It's one of my favorite blogs. Get over there and find out why.

. . . animal crackers in my soup. . . .

Ouch. My brain snapped.

Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 11:40 PM | |


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