Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Pondering the Universe Again. . . .
The kitchen smells like canteloupe. I can't work in there till it goes away. Hub loves melons and in the summer, he buys them as often as he can. In his family, people fought wars over who got the last slice of melon. In our house, he gets it all to himself.
I don't like watermelon. I don't like canteloupe, either. (We call them 'mushmelons' around these parts.)
I don't like any kind of melon, actually.
I also hate tomatoes and onions.
Peas make me gag, even at my age.
I don't eat gravy. The very concept is disgusting.
I'm also not a big garlic fan.
Hub's family also fought wars over who got the last piece of pie. I don't eat pie, either, but I do love to make them.
I guess my question is, "Why am I so fat?"
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