
Monday, June 26, 2006

Knowledge and Blueberries

Don't forget to check out the latest Carnival of Education.  Remember, if you don't keep up, you can't complain.
And now we're off to do some serious blueberry-picking.  There will be cobbler in this kitchen tonight. Well, maybe.  If there's enough left after I've eaten them like popcorn in a bowl.
My husband is picking me up in just a few minutes; he has a class this session early in the morning.  (snicker)
I'll be the one covered with chigger bites and Ivy-Dry.
And THEN, I"ve got essays and quizzes to grade.  Summer session.
And THEN, I've got a birthday party to attend.  You should, too.
Whoops, he's here.  Seeya.
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Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 12:41 PM | |


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