
Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Click, please.

Please click over to Pastor Jeff's blog and wish him and his lovely wife a happy anniversary. They're off somewhere south of here at a Bed and Breakfast, I've had their three fabulous kids since Sunday night, and I just know that Jeff and Tammi have spent all that time tryng to figure out what to do with all that rare free private uninterrupted time together. I guess they'll think of something. Oh, well, they've got a bagful of DVD's, so they won't be TOO bored.

After you've read his blog and wished him a happy anniversary, bookmark or blogroll him and read him every day. He's awesome.

Oh, and tell him to take his time coming back for the kids. I've decided to keep them forever.
Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 2:02 PM | |


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