Sunday, May 07, 2006
It occurred to me, as I was driving down the highway this afternoon, looking at and reading all the billboards and signs, that if your name is Wiener and you run a daycare center, it might not be a very good idea to name it after yourself. I'd also watch the little cartoon illustrations on my huge sign a little more carefully.
I mean, really.
People around here are used to seeing the big 'wiener' signs, but one of these days, an out-of-towner is going to have a wreck.
Putting your partner's name on the sign doesn't help. It just makes people scratch their heads (so to speak) and wonder what in the world a 'Webb Wiener' could be.
If you know, please don't tell me. Thankyouverymuch.
You know you live in a small town when the majority of people associate 'wieners' with daycare. A darn good daycare at that.
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