
Monday, May 22, 2006

I am often sought for my vast technowledge.

I've been listening to my MixMania cd's and they are fabulous. Thank you, mystery-person-whose-name-I-will-know-soon. I'll thank you again, then!

I bet I was the first person to get mine; I got them the day after the mailing day. My MixPartner must have mailed them RIGHT ON TIME, or even early. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Patriside's Mixmania is really fun; I recommend that all music-loving bloggers sign up for his next theme. He hasn't announced it yet but I know it will be good. It always is.

I'm going over to my MIL's house in about an hour. She's getting cable for both her tv and her computer, and she wants someone there who can understand the technician when he tells her complicated things like 'plug this into the wall socket.'

Does anyone else find it amusing that there is someone in this world who uses a computer daily but has even less knowledge than I do about how it's actually done?

You didn't know there was anyone with less technowledge than I have?

Well, I know of one. I love her dearly, but she makes me feel techno-smart, and this is so not true.

I'm wondering in advance, though, how well a cable connection will sit with her small, very old, Windows 95 computer. We might be taking her up to Fry's soon.

As I type this, my son has been working at his new job for an hour and a half now.

The college, in its infinite wisdom, hired him to work in the IT department. Work-study, so he can fit the hours around his class schedule. He will be taking his turn on the helpline, too. I find this ironic, because I call that helpline sometimes.

I'll be calling it fairly often, actually, as I learn to use Blackboard and all of its cool functions this session. The seminar helped, but not enough. I think it's one of those many things that just has to be done to be learned. Like driving. A book and a seminar will only go so far; you just have to get behind the wheel and do it. Like other things, too, but my daughter reads this blog and she doesn't know that I know anything about sex. I guess I should be giving her the 'talk' soon; she's in her twenties and it's time. I'm sure it will be invaluable; there are lots of things I still don't know.

You know, my mother never gave me the 'talk.' All she did was shove that Kotex pamphlet under the bathroom door one day and run. Remember that pamphlet? "Growing Up and Liking It."

Well, I like most of it.

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Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 11:48 AM | |


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