Wednesday, April 19, 2006
What Time Is It Now?

Yes, I am aware that it is very 'busy.' And maybe a little messy. I tried to get the Abominable Snowman and the Gargoyle in the picture but I couldn't. Yes, there are two clocks. Three, counting the one on the computer bar. What's your point? There's another one on the wall to my left but it doesn't show. Too bad, because that one looks like a Monopoly board. I might be a little paranoid about time. If it makes you feel better, no two clocks in this house tell the same time. I usually go with the fastest one. Truthfully, I never know the correct time when I am at home. I have to go to work to find out the correct time. Fortunately, I am always at work early, because when I'm at home I go by the fastest clock.
I have no trouble whatsoever with this, but it drives some people crazy.
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