Saturday, April 29, 2006
I love this time of year.

The little pansy is a volunteer. I love to see a reminder of last year, this year.
I spent most of yesterday afternoon out on the deck, and I had a wonderful time. The 'day of planting flowers' is one of my favorite days of the year. I'm not finished yet; I still have a lot of planting to do in the front yard, but on the deck, I'm finished, except for putting away some extra containers and sweeping off the spilled dirt.
The strong winds this spring caught and tore to shreds the canopy over my big swing, and I can't find a replacement anywhere. Cushions, yes. Awnings, no. I guess I'll try to make one; that should prove interesting.
Oh, I do love the turning of the season. . . . I'm worn out from all the bending, though. Pathetic shape, that's me.

Looks like a good plan to me.
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