Saturday, March 11, 2006
Lunch with a BlogFriend!
In about an hour, I'll be heading up to the city to have lunch with. . . . Buffi! Now, don't you all wish you were me?
And how lovely to actually meet another blogfriend!
We're meeting at the Steak and Shake on the west side of town. Would anyone care to join us?
It's pouring down rain and the thunder is crashing, but it's going to be a wonderful day. The sun always shines when you have lunch with a friend.
Hey, I've had lunch with friends in rainstorms so bad, we had to sit out in the parking lot for a half hour before we could see well enough to leave. Which meant, of course, another half hour of pleasant conversation before we had to go our separate ways. I remember that as a very pleasant day. When we are with friends, it's always good weather.
This day is pleasant, too. Pleasant in the anticipation, and pleasanter still in the meeting.
(That really should be "more pleasant," but I like the sound of "pleasanter" better. Also, it should have been "don't you all wish you were I," but I'm on Spring Break now so who cares?) And it's my blog, so there.)
See you in a few, Buffi.
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