
Saturday, November 05, 2005

I know where some of the good men are.

It seems like for the past several years, people have been asking each other and no one in particular and the universe in general, "Where are all the good men?"

A lot of them are right here in the neighborhood blogosphere, my friends.

On my blogroll are many lovely people. I don't put just anyone there, you know. The size of that list may fool some into thinking I'm not very particular, and that I'll put anyone there who passes by. No, no, and no. I like, and in a few cases, I love, everyone on that list. Every one of those people is there for a reason.

Some, of course, have become more than just internet acquaintances. Some, I've come to truly love and cherish, sight unseen, just from their blog and some correspondence. Some, I've been lucky enough to meet for real, and a monitor-friend became a genuine real-life friend.

And speaking of 'genuine' friends. . . . .

I ask you all now, seriously. Would you like to meet a man who adores his children, is madly and passionately and truly in love with his wife, who works hard every day more for his family's sake than for his own, who is funny and kind and reliable and all the things women look for in 'personal' ads, who is always willing to help someone in need, who can cook, who laughs a lot and SLEEPS a lot, who is pithy and zingy without being hurtful, who thinks it's funny when the whole world sees a picture of him in severe pain with a bag of frozen peas on his crotch, and who is the walking definition of chivalry, class, and a big hearty laugh? Could such a man be real?

Sure he could. There are lots of them on my blogroll, but the one I would like for you to visit tonight is my wonderful friend Genuine. Most of you already know him. Some of you might not.

But EVERYONE should dash over there RIGHT THIS MINUTE, and tell him you love him.


Because I'm the teacher and I said so. Move it.

P.S. He's also very sexy. And good-looking. And NOT available. (see paragraph 6 above.)

P.P.S. We trimmed the holly today, and there's a mountain of it the size of a nursery rhyme haystack in the back yard. Want some? I'm serious. Come on over and get as much as you want. You can have the huge pine cones too.
Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 6:47 PM | |


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