
Saturday, August 13, 2005

This 'quietness" is making me crazier than I already was.

How do people cope with soul-deadening silence peace and quiet?

Ben and Christophe had to leave before I was finished loving on them! I hope they come back soon and stay a really long time. Move in. Never leave. I'm not kidding. Pictures to follow.

It was so nice to have a chattery little child in the house. A smart, sweet, extremely well-mannered chattery little child: nothing better. You're doing a good job, Ben. Tell your mother I said so. (I love her, too!)

Here is the playlist that came up this afternoon. Look, Mango, no Moxy Fruvous this time!

Gosh. It doesn't seem right not to have even one of my favorite band's songs on a random playlist. How very. . . . random. Oh well, one must be truthful about one's random playlist.

1. Red Elvises – Lonely Highway of Love
2. Robbie Williams – Undone
3. Ben Folds – Golden Slumbers
4. Bono and Frank Sinatra – I’ve Got You Under My Skin
5. Brak and The Chieftains – I’ll Tell Me Ma
6. Chevelle – Closure
7. Eva Cassidy – Tennessee Waltz
8. Irish Tenors – Amazing Grace
9. Pulp – Common People
10. Ray Stevens – Mississippi Squirrel Revival
11. Weezer – We’re All On Drugs
12. Lily Lanken – Alice Blue Gown
13. Beth Orton and Ben Harper – Love Like Laughter
14. Ataris – Boys of Summer
15. Beck – Golden Age
16. Jamie Cullum and Katie Melua – Love Cats
17. The Smiths and Morrisey – I Am The Sun, I Am The Air
18. Josh Groban – Remember When It Rained
19. Chrono Trigger – Magus’s Theme
20. Norah Jones and Adam Levy – Love Me Tender

Just to let you know, I'm listening to the Happy Happy Joy Joy song as we speak. It missed the cut by one.

Oops, now it's the Trans-Siberian Orchestra, with "Beethoven's Last Night."

I love musical randomness.

Belle and I watched a little of the meteor shower from the back patio last night; it was beautifiul. We didn't stay out very long, only a few minutes, because of the intense humidity which in turn attracted BUGS, but what little we saw was awesome.

She's still here but is getting ready to go to work. We've been burning cd's for each other.

Oh, and I listened to my MixMania cd to proof it; whoever gets mine: it works. Jim's themes (the latest one is "Driving Music") are always awesome, and his coordination of the whole thing is fantastic. I hope everyone who participates remembers to thank him for all that work.

Now I must go into the kitchen and get out all the leftovers. I'll take the long route through the living room so I can admire the vacuumed carpets before the dust starts to settle on them again.

Leftover BBQ pork tenderloin, potato salad, sliced tomatoes, and corn on the cob.

Come on over.
Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 2:56 PM | |


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