
Saturday, August 27, 2005

The condensed form of the already-condensed form.

Want to catch up with your reading but just don't have the time? Check out this site.

Sample, from Return of the King:

Aragorn: We must travel the Paths of the Dead.

Eowyn: You'll die. (They don't.)

Gandalf: The Hordes of Mordor will destroy Minis Tirith. (They don't.)

Gandalf: We must attack Mordor. We'll all be killed. (They aren't.)

Gollum: Mmmm, yummy finger! (dies)

Frodo: The Ring has been destroyed, but now we will die in Mordor.

Sam: Buck up, Master Frodo.

(A bunch of feathered DEUS EX MACHINAS come out of NOWHERE and save EVERYBODY.)



Or, for the kids, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!

(Charlie buys a Willy Wonka chocolate bar.)

Charlie: Hooray. I'm an instant winner.

Willy Wonka: Hi kids. Four of you will undergo severe physiological distress that in the real world would get me sued, and one will be picked to be the Special One.

(Charlie gets picked.)

The End.


What's not to love?
Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 3:10 PM | |


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