
Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Spell it right or step aside. You make us all look bad.

While Hub is taking a little break from conquering the world on here, I'm taking advantage of his absence to ask a question.

Does anyone else find it more than just a little bit scary that the CNN commentary on the shuttle non-launch blamed it on a defective "guage?"

I mean, if they can't spell it, how do we know they can make one that works?

The shuttle isn't launching. Apparently, they didn't.

Spelling is important, people. If you choose to patronize a business that puts a lot of spelling mistakes out there for its customers to see, count your change carefully. If they're careless in one area, they're probably careless in others.

Why is this chair always so warm?

And why don't you all come over and eat up the no-bake cookies I just made? Come on, they're mostly oatmeal. They're GOOD for you.

I know that I shouldn't get so upset over public spelling errors, but it makes me feel as though someone doesn't care enough about the audience to bother being careful.

And if the person who types out the CNN messages that banner across the screen can't keep up and still be accurate, then maybe they should hire someone who can.

Because, somewhere out there, is someone who is an excellent speller, a lightning-fast very accurate typist, and a witty literate funny person who would strive and strive hard to do a really good job.

Come on, hire me. Please?

I'll bring cookies.
Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 8:57 PM | |


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