Thursday, July 14, 2005
Soon, soon, sooooooooon
Hub's making a phone call so I've just got time to get on here and say. . .I absolutely can't WAIT to get my Harry Potter book in the mail! Pre-ordering is GREAT; you get it before everybody else does, you don't have to wait in line, and you get a package in the mail, which is always a treat! I got an email from Amazon just this morning, telling me my book is on its way! Woo hoo! And I'm also getting a pre-order from Scholastic! (One of the books is for my three Michigan kids!) I'm getting one for the college library, too.
When I have more time I'll post about why Harry Potter has made more of an impact on our kids' reading habits than any state-mandated program has ever done.
Harry Potter and the Positive Turnaround of American Literacy.
I thank you, J.K. Rowling. You have made a positive impact on our society in more ways than one. You have enriched us with your stories, and you have made our children WANT to learn to read better so they too can experience the wonder of your imagination linked with theirs.
To paraphrase the fabulous Monty Python: I bow in your general direction.