Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Free flowers. FREE!
I do love fresh flowers in my house. Sometimes Hub buys them for me, but most of the time I just go outside and pick them. When the kids were little, there were always Dixie cups of dandelions and clover, and cereal bowls of floating periwinkle blossoms. Messy bouquets of Queen Anne's Lace, and mystery flowers that were probably deadly poison, in drinking glasses all over the house. Wildflowers. Just as beautiful as a purchased bouquet, and at less than 100% of the price.I feel sorry for people who spray their velvety lawns to prevent anything but expensive grass to grow. How do they decorate their coffee tables and window sills if they don't have any dandelions or clovers in Dixie cups?
If dandelions were not so pervasive, I bet people would buy them and set them out, as we do with pansies and petunias now. It's the too-many of them, the common-ness of them, the clutter of them, that makes them less valuable. Put six dandelions in a cut glass vase and you've got beauty.
Too many crowded together, and you can't give attention to just a few.
Kind of like schools do to our children, but you didn't hear it from me.

Who needs to buy flowers when these are growing under your willow trees? I don't know what they are, but does it matter? Plus, they smell wonderful!