
Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The post where I go all simplistic on a complicated issue.

Teacher conferences? Only a handful of students showed up to get their final exam and find out their grade.

Maybe they're all going to come in tomorrow morning.

(That WAS the punchline.)

After 10:45 tomorrow morning, the semester is over for me, and I'm on vacation for a few weeks. This would be celebration fodder if I were going to be paid anything whatsoever during this time.

Excuse me for a moment while I waltz into a blind panic.


I'm back. Thank you for your patience.

But this evening I met Frau and The Menopausal Loan Officer again, at the Asian Pearl and we had some great Chinese. It will come as no surprise to, um, 'some people,' that I love Chinese food.

We stayed till they threatened to sweep us out. We took the hint when we felt like taking the hint.

There's nothing like hanging out with friends to really make a person feel like there's hope for the rest of the world.

Why can't everybody just eat at the Asian Pearl, sit at a table and talk for hours, and bask in the glow of eternal friendship?

If we all did that, there would be peace on earth. Yes, it's all just that simple.

It really is, you know. It's just that no two people can meet at the Pearl at the exact same time and stay for the exact same time. Or meet on the exact same day. Or order the exact same menu items. Or hold off on running to the restroom after five or six drink refills. Or hire the exact same babysitters. Or pay the exact same price for gas to get there. Etc.

But if we could, wouldn't it be grand?

The Asian Pearl: if everybody knew about it, there would be no more war or mention of war.



But a person can always wish.

This same analogy would also apply to YOUR Asian Pearl equivalent, but it would come with the same set of impossible standards.

What we need, listeners, is a Way-Back Machine. Where are Mr. Peabody and Sherman when we really need them?

My first car was named Sherman. It was like driving a tank. But I digress.

Where was I? Oh yes. World Peace.

I'm all for it.
Posted by Mamacita (The REAL one) @ 9:06 PM | |


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